Monday, September 14, 2015

This Much is True

This much is true: write for you.
Necessary yet temporary,
Writing for school may help us achieve.
Yet, writing for you will help you breathe.
And believe.
And conceive
All that is true.
Oh, the life you will live when you write for you.

by Brian J. Kelley

I wrote the poem This Much is True while compiling notes for my students on developing ideas. It just sort of happened.

Using poetry as an informative tool--albeit an expressive tool--is something worth sharing with our students. This experience makes me consider how easily school slips into the tar pits of what.

WHAT is the answer?
WHAT is the curriculum?
WHAT do I have to do to get an A?
WHAT is the prerequisite to move into the next course?
WHAT does the data report?
WHAT is going to be on the test?
WHAT should I study?
WHAT do I need for class?

Even composing my notes was an exercise in WHAT. 

I'm wondering how often students feel--and cannot articulate--thoughts which wish to answer questions other than WHAT.

I'm wondering how often we ask questions in addition to WHAT...

The notes I created which led to the poem This Much is True

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